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Quick Start

You can unleash ast-grep's power at your finger tips within few keystrokes in command line!

Let's try its power of by rewriting some code in a moderately large codebase: TypeScript.

Our task is to rewrite old defensive code that checks nullable nested method calls to the new shiny optional chaining operator ?..


First, install ast-grep. It is distributed by npm, cargo, homebrew and macports. You can also build it from source.

# install via homebrew
brew install ast-grep
# install via MacPorts
sudo port install ast-grep
# try ast-grep in nix-shell
nix-shell -p ast-grep
# install via cargo
cargo install ast-grep --locked
# install via npm
npm i @ast-grep/cli -g
# install via pip
pip install ast-grep-cli

The binary command, ast-grep or sg, should be available now. Let's try it with --help.

ast-grep --help
# if you are not on Linux
sg --help

Use sg on Linux

Linux has a default command sg for setgroups. You can use the full command name ast-grep instead of sg. You can also use shorter alias if you want by alias sg=ast-grep. We will use ast-grep in the guide below.

Optionally, you can grab TypeScript source code if you want to follow the tutorial. Or you can apply the magic to your own code.

git clone --depth 1


Then search the occurrence of looking up a method from a nested structure. ast-grep uses pattern to find similar code. Think it as the pattern in our old-friend grep but it matches AST node instead of text. We can write pattern as if write ordinary code. It will match all code that has the same syntactical structure.

For example, the following pattern code

obj.val && obj.val()

will match all the following code, regardless of white spaces or new lines.

obj.val && obj.val() // verbatim match, of course
obj.val    &&     obj.val() // this matches, too

// this matches as well!
const result = obj.val &&

Matching based exactly on AST is cool, but we certainly want to use flexible pattern to match code with infinite possibility. We can use meta variable to match any single AST node. Meta variable begins with $ sign with upper case letters following, e.g. $METAVAR. Think it as REGEX dot ., except it is not textual.

We can write this pattern to find all property checking code.

$PROP && $PROP()

It is a valid ast-grep pattern! We can use it in command line! Use pattern argument to specify our target. Optionally, we can use lang to tell ast-grep our target code language.

ast-grep --pattern '$PROP && $PROP()' --lang ts TypeScript/src
ast-grep -p '$PROP && $PROP()' -l ts TypeScript/src
# ast-grep will infer languages based on file extensions
ast-grep -p '$PROP && $PROP()' TypeScript/src

Pro Tip

Pattern must be quoted by single quote ' to prevent shell from interpreting $ sign. ast-grep -p '$PROP && $PROP()' is okay.

But ast-grep -p "$PROP && $PROP()" will be interpreted as ast-grep -p " && ()" after shell expansion.


Cool? Now we can use this pattern to refactor TypeScript source!

# pattern and language argument support short form
ast-grep -p '$PROP && $PROP()' \
   --rewrite '$PROP?.()' \
   --interactive \
   -l ts \

ast-grep will start an interactive session to let you choose if you want to apply the patch. Press y to accept the change!

That's it! You have refactored TypeScript's repository in minutes. Congratulation!

Hope you enjoy the power of AST editing in plain programming language pattern. Our next step is to know more about the pattern code.

Pattern does not work?

See our FAQ for more guidance on writing patterns.

Made with ❤️ with Rust