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ast-grep test

Test ast-grep rules.


ast-grep test [OPTIONS]


-c, --config <CONFIG>

Path to ast-grep root config, default is sgconfig.yml

-t, --test-dir <TEST_DIR>

the directories to search test YAML files

--snapshot-dir <SNAPSHOT_DIR>

Specify the directory name storing snapshots. Default to snapshots


Only check if the test code is valid, without checking rule output. Turn it on when you want to ignore the output of rules. Conflicts with --update-all

-U, --update-all

Update the content of all snapshots that have changed in test. Conflicts with --skip-snapshot-tests

-i, --interactive

Start an interactive review to update snapshots selectively

-f, --filter <FILTER>

Filter rule test cases to execute using a glob pattern

-h, --help

Print help

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