Editor Integration
ast-grep is a command line tool for structural search/replace. But it can be readily integrated into your editors and streamline your workflow.
This page introduces several editors that has ast-grep support.
ast-grep has an official VSCode extension in the market place.
To get a feel of what it can do, see the introduction on YouTube!
The ast-grep VSCode is an extension to bridge the power of ast-grep and the beloved editor VSCode. It includes two parts:
- a UI for ast-grep CLI and
- a client for ast-grep LSP.
You need to install ast-grep CLI locally and optionally set up a linting project.
Structural Search
Use pattern to structural search your codebase.
Feature | Screenshot |
Search Pattern | ![]() |
Search In Folder | ![]() |
Structural Replace
Use pattern to replace matching code.
Feature | Screenshot |
Replace Preview | ![]() |
Commit Replace | ![]() |
Diagnostics and Code Action
Require LSP setup
Code linting and code actions require setting up sgconfig.yml
in your workspace root.
Feature | Screenshot |
Code Linting | ![]() |
Why LSP diagnostics are not working?
You need several things to set up LSP diagnostics:
- Install ast-grep CLI. Make sure it is accessible in VSCode editor.
- Set up a linting project in your workspace root. The
file is required for LSP diagnostics. - The LSP server by default is started in the workspace root. Make sure the
is in the workspace root.
Why ast-grep VSCode cannot find the CLI?
The extension has a different environment from the terminal. You need to make sure the CLI is accessible in the extension environment. For example, if the CLI is installed in a virtual environment, you need to activate the virtual environment in the terminal where you start VSCode.
Here are a few ways to make the CLI accessible:
- Install the CLI globally.
- Specify the CLI path in the extension settings
. - Check if VSCode has the same
as the terminal.
Project Root Detection
By default, ast-grep will only start in the workspace root. If you want to start ast-grep in a subfolder, you can specify the configPath
in the extension settings. The configPath
is the path to the sgconfig.yml
file and is relative to the workspace root.
Schema Validation
When writing your own rule.yml
file, you can use schema validation to get quick feedback on whether your file is structured properly.
- Add the following line to the top of your file:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ast-grep/ast-grep/main/schemas/rule.json
- Install a VSCode extension that supports schema validation for yaml files. For example, YAML by Red Hat.
After reloading the VSCode window, you should see red underlines for any errors in your
file, along with autocompletions and tooltips on hover. In VSCode you can typically use [Ctrl] + [Space] to see the available autocompletions.
The recommended setup is using nvim-lspconfig.
local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs'
configs.ast_grep = {
default_config = {
cmd = {'ast-grep', 'lsp'};
single_file_support = false;
root_dir = nvim_lsp.util.root_pattern('sgconfig.yml');
Please see coc-ast-grep
You need to have coc.nvim installed for this extension to work. e.g. vim-plug:
Plug 'yaegassy/coc-ast-grep', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}
telescope-sg is the ast-grep picker for telescope.nvim.
Telescope ast_grep
telescope-ast-grep.nvim is an alternative plugin that provides ast-grep functionality enhancements.
grug-far.nvim has ast-grep search engine support. It allows for both live searching as you type and replacing.
:lua require('grug-far').grug_far({ engine = 'astgrep' })
or swap to astgrep
engine while running with the Swap Engine
LSP Server
Currently ast-grep support these LSP capabilities:
Server capability
Client requirements
ast-grep does not have LSP configuration, except that ast-grep LSP requires sgconfig.yml
in the project root.
You can also specify the configuration file path via command line:
ast-grep lsp -c <configPath>
More Editors...
More ast-grep editor integration will be supported by the community! Your contribution is warmly welcome.